The Red Baron

Posted by Diposting oleh KaZz On 2:20 PM

Directed by Nikolai Müllerschön

Produced by Dan Maag
Thomas Reisser
Roland Pellegrino

Written by Nikolai Müllerschön

Starring Matthias Schweighöfer
Joseph Fiennes
Til Schweiger
Lena Headey

Cinematography Klaus Merkel

Editing by Christian Lonk

Distributed by Warner Bros

Release date(s) April 10, 2008

Running time 120 minutes (approx.)

Country Germany, UK

Language English, German

Budget €18 million ($22.5 million)

The Red Baron (German: Der Rote Baron) is a feature film about fighter pilot Manfred von Richthofen.


In 1906, a young Baron Manfred von Richthofen (Matthias Schweighöfer) is out hunting deer when he encounters an aeroplane overhead. Enchanted, he follows it on horseback, waving his arms like a bird.

Ten years later, Lieutenant Richthofen is serving as a fighter pilot with the Imperial German Air Service along the Western Front. After dropping a wreath over the funeral of an Allied pilot, Richthofen and his fellow pilots Werner Voss (Til Schweiger)and Friedrich Sternberg encounter an squadron of enemy planes led by Captain Lanoe Hawker. Richthofen shoots down Canadian pilot Arthur Roy Brown (Joseph Fiennes). After pulling Brown out of the wreckage of his plane, Richthofen assists Nurse Käte Otersdorf (Lena Headey) with applying a tourniquet to the Canadian's wounded leg.

Later, after successfully shooting down and killing "the notorious Captain Hawker," Richthofen awarded the Pour le Merite and promoted to command his own private aerial squadron. There, he is soon joined by his brother Lothar von Richthofen. He orders his men to avoid killing enemy pilots unless absolutely necessary and is enraged when Lothar deliberately strafes and kills a British pilot who has already been forced into a landing.

Later, during an aerial dogfight, Richthofen again encounters Captain Brown, who has escaped from a German POW camp after being nursed by Käte. Both are forced to ditch their planes in no man's land and share a friendly drink. Brown expresses hope that they will not meet again until after the war is over and tells Richthofen that Käte has feelings for him. When Richthofen asks how he can be so sure, Brown retorts, "She bitched about you for weeks."

On the way back to base, Richthofen is devastated to learn that his close friend, the Jewish pilot Friedrich Sternberg, has been shot down and killed. Over the days that follow, Richthofen makes no secret of his grief and refuses to leave his room. An enraged Lothar reminds him that, "A leader cannot afford to mourn."

Shortly thereafter, Richthofen is wounded in the skull and is sent to be nursed by Käte. As he recovers, the two share a romantic dinner and a dance. After Richthofen expresses gratitude for his wound, an enraged Käte gives him a tour of a local field hospital and berates him for regarding war as a game.

Later, Richthofen and Käte are beginning to make love when they are interrupted by an Allied bombing raid. Determined to protect the squadron's aeroplanes, he orders Käte to hide in the cellar and takes to the air with his men.

During a later visit from Käte, Richthofen informs her that he has been offered a rear echelon position in command of the entire Air Service. Käte, who has been long been frantic at the thought of losing him, is overjoyed. Richthofen, however, conceals his doubts from her.

Richthofen has realized that he is being manipulated for propaganda by the Kaiser and his Generals. On the eve of the offensives of February 1918, he approaches General Paul von Hindenburg (Josef Vinklar) and tells him that the war has become an no-win situation which should be ended as soon as possible. Hindenburg is outraged and orders him back to his squadron.

As the offensive begins, Richthofen's squadron sets out to clear every Allied aeroplane and balloon out of the target area. As Käte tends the wounded on the ground, she is horrified to learn that her beloved has returned to combat.

Käte confronts him and demands to know why he has turned down the chance to remain safe. Richthofen states that he will not betray the soldiers in the field, "by remaining the immortal god that Berlin wants me to be." He climaxes by informing her, "You are my greatest victory."

On the morning of April 21, 1918, Richthofen leads his squadron into battle after making love to Käte. Soon after, he is killed in action by Captain Brown.

In the aftermath, Käte crosses over to Allied lines with Brown's assistance and visits Richthofen's grave. She apologises for not coming sooner and expresses regret for never telling him how much she loved him. The camera pans to a funeral wreath left by Brown, "To Manfred von Richtofen, Friend and Enemy."


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